Free Title I Pre-K
Date Posted: 02/08/2022
Free Pre-K
Investing in "Super Awesome" Kids...
Title I Pre-K is available at the following schools:
- Deep Branch
- Rex Rennert
- Fairgrove
- Rosenwald
- Long Branch
- Rowland Norment
- Magnolia
- St. Pauls
- Oxendine
- Tanglewood
- Parkton
- Townsend
- Pembroke
- Union Chapel
- Peterson
- Union
- Piney Grove
- WH Knuckles
- Prospect
For more information on Title I Pre-K, contact Jamie Flanagan at 910-785-0307.
Applications should be submitted to your school of choice no later than April 1st. Title I Pre-K Screening will take place in May.
Deadline for Applications: April 1, 2022
Eligibility Requirements for Title I Pre-K:
Child must turn 4 years old on or before August 31, 2022 AND qualify for placement based on a developmental screening.
Document Requirements for Title I Pre-K:
- Child's Birth Certificate
- Child's Current Immunization Record Income Verification (check stubs or W-2)